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Engineers: Important Role In Building The World

Every year 15 September has been celebrated as Engineer’s Day as a tribute to the greatest Indian Engineer and Bharat Ratna Mokshagundam Visvesvaraya.

The world is changing, and engineers are behind this development.
Engineers are always important as engineers build the world. Engineering is one of the key forces that shape our society. Using maths and science they provide innovation and inventions in the way of living. It means engineers have a responsibility and great opportunity to ensure their positive influence on society.

The evidence of the existence of engineering has been observed from the stone age, such as the fundamental invention of wheels, pulleys, carts, etc. Great pyramids, the Taj Mahal & the Great Wall of China are the engineering marvel and even seven wonders of the earth.
In the 21st century, everyone is surrounded by technologies; and this shows the importance engineering is in our life and society. Engineering is the application of scientific knowledge to solve the real world’s problems.

Influence of Engineering Across Diverse Sectors:

Engineering has a tremendous contribution to each sector; let us take a look at how engineering is dominating every sector:

1. Construction
Engineer is a crucial part of the construction and has a vital influence on product specification. As construction becomes more complex and architects are liable more on Engineers. While starting any construction projects, architects design the building structure by taking advice from specialized engineers. It saves the construction time as well as cost, and the building becomes strong. Expertise in civil engineering has enabled to build of bridges, dams, tunnels, expressways, etc.

2. Medicine
When we talk about the progress in medical science, engineering and medical science go hand in hand with each other; to improve the quality of healthcare. Of course, the medicines and drugs used are more the medical sciences fields, but the tools used absolutely would not exist without engineering.

3. Energy
The energy industry has seen intense global growth over the last decade, and engineers have played a significant role in empowering the transformation of the world to clean energy and sustainable practices. From the small household appliances to humongous machines in factories engineer has dominated.

4. Environment
Sustainability is one of the serious issues around the world; to overcome this environment engineering is developing solutions for waste management, pollution reduction, and reducing the overall impact of humans on the environment. Thankfully, environmental engineering is coming up with new and innovative solutions to minimize pollution and make our industrial processes environment-friendly.


Apart from these areas, engineering has a wide range of applications in the manufacturing, electronics, automotive, biotechnology, software industries, and many more.

Engineers have one primary goal: to benefit society. We cannot describe the importance of engineering in our Society and Life. It always helped us lift up the standard of living and sustainable development to protect our earth and its surrounding nature.
As our world becomes more technology-dependent, the reliance on good tech will make engineers increasingly essential; and it will increase over time.

All Comments:

  1. Jatin Gupta


    Historical Significance: It’s wonderful to see the acknowledgment of Mokshagundam Visvesvaraya’s contributions. His work is a testament to the importance of engineers throughout history.

    Broad Impact: This piece wonderfully encapsulates the omnipresence of engineering. From the tallest skyscrapers to the devices we use daily, engineering touches every aspect of our lives.

    Interdisciplinary Approach: The mention of how engineers employ math and science reiterates that engineering is not a standalone field but an amalgamation of various disciplines that come together to create marvels.

    Ethical Implication: Highlighting the responsibility and opportunity of engineers to positively influence society is an essential reminder. Engineering is not just about creating; it’s also about ensuring these creations benefit humanity.

    Celebration and Gratitude: The ‘Thankful@31’ sentiment brings forth a personal touch to the narrative, showcasing that appreciation for engineers goes beyond mere professional acknowledgment. It’s about understanding and valuing their role in the bigger picture.

    Continuous Evolution: “The world is changing, and engineers are behind this development.” This line beautifully encapsulates the never-ending journey of progress and the pivotal role of engineers in it.

    Call to Action: The concluding sentence can be seen as a call to all current and future engineers to recognize their potential in shaping the future. It’s a reminder that with great power comes great responsibility.

    In essence, this piece does a commendable job of celebrating engineers and emphasizing their foundational role in the continuous development and betterment of our world.

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